This kit takes your forensics class to the next level by giving students the opportunity to analyze DNA samples from a (fictitious) crime scene. Students immerse themselves in attempting to identify the culprit, learning more about DNA profiling and the role of tandem repeats in the analysis. They build on that knowledge with a hands-on investigation of the samples using PCR amplification and gel electrophoresis to help close the case.
Carolina® Forensic PCR Investigation Kit
Components | Qty | Included? |
DNA Sample 1: Victim Cheek Swab, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Sample 2: Suspect #1, Trisha’s Cheek Swab, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Sample 3: Suspect #2, Neil’s Cheek Swab, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Sample 4: Saliva from Wine Glass, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Sample 5: Skin Collected from the Victim’s Fingernails, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Sample 6: Positive Control, Known Genomic DNA, 24 μL |
1 | Included |
Primer Mix with Loading Dye, 600 μL |
1 | Included |
DNA Ladder with Loading Dye, 50 μL |
1 | Included |
Ready-to-Go™ PCR Beads | 28 | Included |
Sterile Distlled Water, 1 mL | 1 | Included |
Microcentrifuge Tubes | 36 | Included |
Agarose, 5 g | 1 | Included |
TBE Electrophoresis Medium, 200 mL | 1 | Included |
CarolinaBLU® Final Stain, 250 mL | 1 | Included |
Gel-staining Trays | 4 | Included |
Teacher’s Manual and Reproducible Student Guide | 1 | Included |
Distilled Water, 4.1 L | 1 | Needed, Not included |
Electrophoresis Setups and Power Supplies | 4 | Needed, Not included |
Mid-range Micropipets with Tips (20-200 μL range) | 5 | Needed, Not included |
Low-range Micropipets with Tips (1-20 μL range) | 5 | Needed, Not included |
Bottle or Carboy, 4 L | 1 | Needed, Not included |
Flask, 500 mL | 1 | Needed, Not included |
Thermocycler | 1 | Needed, Not included |
Light Box | 1 | Needed, Not included |
Waterproof Marking Pens | Needed, Not included | |
Masking Tape | Needed, Not included | |
Microcentrifuge Tube Racks | Needed, Not included | |
Gloves | Needed, Not included | |
Foil (for covering liquid agarose; optional) | Needed, Not included | |
PCR Tube Racks (optional) | Needed, Not included | |
Water Bath, 60°C (optional) | Needed, Not included | |
Photo Equipment (optional) | Needed, Not included |